Today I uploaded four new summer watercolor tango paintings. I made them two weeks ago when, on the 38th week of pregnancy. Dancing is already

Here is my very recent illustration to my very-very recent pirate book for beginner readers. Here you have to find a treasure chest, pink poodle,

Meet Julija, my website editor
Meet Julija, my 14yo daughter, who is working on the website technical and most mysterious sides now. If you found this site and blog it

Here you can take a look at how I draw on milongas – picturing the moment with the same dancing girls I have on my

About three hours and ton of nerves spent, but I finally managed to find the place where I can adjust my printer colors. Now a

The very first set of my NFTs was born during the neverending New Year’s Eve celebration and I hope very much that you can see
Here are the links to my very recent book, Woolsock and Halloween: Amazon (USA) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KJ6HR4Q Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/ww/en/ebook/woolsock-and-halloween Apple books: https://books.apple.com/se/book/woolsock-and-halloween/id1592565111?l=en%3Fl Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1112122 Amazon (United Kingdom) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B09KJ6HR4Q Amazon (Italy)

Almost four years ago we came to dance tango, and one of the first steps that we were shown was “sandwich” – some simple step

Baby zebra and a dung beetle from Kenya
I just’ve came from a wonderful African vacation (alone! no kids! offline 24/7!) and brought 800 photos, but just two pictures from there. Here they

Just in case you didn’t know, but are interested. Here is my resently made Instagram account. https://www.instagram.com/dorogidorogi/ There are mostly Uppsala hares, and the descriptions

Right now I am working on the illustrations for the new Lulu book. Here is the Grand Basin in Luxembourg Garden in Paris:

Just’ve created a new gallery – https://www.tanjarussita.com/gallery-view/tango-metaphors Almost every tango workshop enriches my imagination with amazing metaphors teachers use to explain us some mysterious tango

Just did a few pictures for the new project – Highland Hospice booklet. Like those two pictures a lot!

Who won the Fiverr contest (second place actually) with this picture? It’s me. Still it hardly saves the day full of desperate tries to start

There is sun in Tromsø today, first time since November. There’s no sun today in Uppsala, but it shines now and then here, I saw

Emily’s Sister – the book about little Elizabeth, who has dyspraxia and sensory processing disorder (SPD), and her sister Emily, as much as about love,

Mom Goes for a walk is free today!
Though only the book, not Mom herself 🙂 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZP8DFG

I organised Illustration Classes for kids and adults in Tromsø in 2015-2016. It was a wonderful experience, most of the meetings were cosy and warm.

Supersale on Giving Tuesday! Before we move to Sweden I am trying to find a new home to my pictures drawn this year mostly (but

Just’ve uploaded e-version for my already published book for beginning readers “Зато сам!” We share rights with my publishing house (Mann, Ivanov and Ferber) –

I just’ve opened my shop on Creative Market. We’ll see. I doubt anything worthy will come out of it, but I am curious to give

And is FREE today and tomorrow! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LZP8DFG Dear friends, My very recent book “Mom Goes for a Walk” is free on Amazon today and tomorrow.

Grandparents’ Day by Pamela Traynor
Dear readers, especially those of you who are grandparents! I would love to share with you a few pictures from my recently illustrated book Grandparens’

Just published book with my illustrations
About a little Asa and love. Very suitable for babies from Christian families. I must admit I have no so much faith myself, but I
Six minutes long talk about life, work and family
For those who’d like to know how I look and sound – here is an interview (in Russian, sorry) I gave to my Russian publishing
My A Dog in the Fog ebook for beginner readers is free on Amazon today and tomorrow. Enjoy!
One more book with my illustrations, written by Caleb Henson: Bob the Rooster

Take a look at some sketches from the marvellous Lindy Hop Party that took place in Tromsø this Friday.

Amazon giveaway – A pear and a Bear book
Welcome to win A Pear and a Bear coloring book! HERE Unfortunately, only U.S. residents may participate.

While I look at my daughter sitting on the top of the snowdrift… While my son is asleep in the buggy… Snowfall continues.

I was asked to draw girl enjoying chocolate ice-cream. Here is my version: And here – my daughter’s: Both accepted happily!

A picture that’ll be printed on magnets for Breastfeeding consultants http://www.azbukamama.ru/

Dear friends, I just’ve uploaded two new books to Amazon and while they go through approving process, I start to search for reviews. If any
No, I am not Natalya, but Natalia! Can’t you remember?! Previous series
Convictions #34&35. Ulyan and Natalya
Okay, let it be barefoot. Bet remember always run with your heels! At the Berlin Marathon Ulyan is supporting the Red Cross. Natalya doesn’t wear

Convictions 31 and 32. Khamzat and Asya.
Khamzat takes part in marathons. Nearly every week. In his Nikes. I’d rather run barefoot than support f** corporations! – swears Asya. Previous series

A freelance job for a client from Texas.Took about 10 hours, a little old-fashioned style was in requirements.

Concerning the waste, Kostya is pretty serious about the recycling. And dissects the teabags before throwing them away.

Dasha feels like she has no convictions and sometimes wears shorts and tights simultaneously. In the dark. In her own backyard. Other convictions here

Conviction # 27. Pasha, Dasha and Yeti
As some of you know, in a current project I plan to describe/mention all existing beliefs and convictions.Here are the previous pictures:in my Facebook And

About my sketchbooks: http://magicjewellerybox.blogspot.ca/2015/08/behind-scene-sketchbook-by-tanja-russita.html

If you wish to receive my books’ news (and get a free book)
#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own MailChimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. We recommend moving

My guest post in Natalia’s blog:http://magicjewellerybox.blogspot.ca/2015/07/behind-scene-watch-birth-of-handmade.htmlRead about the creation process there, here is a picture with happy readers:

Here they are, people working in Norwegian kindergarten. Do you feel envy or pity? Maybe both? 🙂

Both my “Simple books” – FoxBox and PearBear – are now available on Amazon as paperbacks: http://www.amazon.com/Tanja-Russita/e/B00JT9QF7AThat’s my page. Here are the books:http://www.amazon.com/Pear-Bear-beginner-readers-Simple-ebook/dp/B00ONZ18OKhttp://www.amazon.com/Fox-Box-beginner-readers-Simple-ebook/dp/B00N0VQ7XK Almost no
Healthy Mama about my books: http://healthymamainfo.com/2015/05/tanja-russitas-books/ I liked the blog! Many homeschooling ideas (that work, of course, not only for homeschooling familes), lot of recipes

Everything you wanted to know about me
Unfortunately, only in Russian. But there are some photos. A large interview with me in a large Russian parenting blog: http://www.blogimam.com/2015/05/mama-nedeli-tanya-russita-avtor-zhzh-tanja_ru/

Hurrying the spring up a little. There is just one snowdrift, but still enormous. And we need a place for trampoline. Sasha works, I record

Can’t anybody tell me their names? I don’t know all of them even in Russian. All the

Чей бок?: Sight words for beginning readers in Russian
My first Russian book Чей бок?: Sight words for beginning readers in Russian is discounted on Amazon today and the next three days. It is pretty nice.By

A picture of a family, showing kids, protected by parents, which was ordered by Russian publishing house “Resurs”: More drafts:

Who is Yan? – free download for review
Just launched “Who is Yan?” on StoryCartel – there you can download a book for three weeks in exchange for an unbiased review. https://storycartel.com/books/who-is-yan You

One of the stories from A Pear and a Bear book for free on Lulu.com: Here you are: Mia and Pia (ePub)

Susan Day about my book: http://www.susandayauthor.com/home/a-pear-and-a-bear-a-book-review

My book A Fox and a Box is free today, tomorrow and on Saturday on Amazon. Enjoy! And I hope for reviews so much, actually… Feel free
Quick sketch. But believe me – her expression is exactly the same!(after being told we must go home from visiting friends)

Just painted two puzzles for Yan and Julia. Thrifty parents made advent calender from match boxes, each containing 2-4 pieces of puzzle. Kids were thrieved

Just noticed, that I have a number of pictures about our visits to Science museums in different countries.We (and our kids, too) love them so

Have you seen my very recent project?It is too large to be placed here, but here is the link to my Facebook page (and open to everybody).

Do you feel yourself like a cow?
They ask me “You are nursing for years now… Aren’t you tired? Don’t you feel like you’re a COW?” A cow! I feel like ashe-dolphin,

Welcome to have a look at a very special book for Kesha and his family: I am going to print it out

And here are some of my painted t-shirts.Julia loves them so much! And this paint (“Palette” paint for light fabrics) is just wonderful – t-shirts

Cover image for EC (EK) group)
Just created cover photo for Elimination Communication group on facebook: And here is the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/227680317420068/
My books: In English: Oslo: delayed Who is John? Granny Baggy (by Jim Blyth) In Russian: Яма, ку-ку и топ-топ Чей бок? Зверь Ян (в

Here you are! Oslo: delayed by Tanja Russita | Make Your Own Book Kind of expensive, eh? 🙂 Sorry, that’s not me, but Blurb.com Enjoy

(decided to write some of the most personal thoughts in my less popular blog) What do I think about Ukraine? 1. I know really nothing

That’s my second e-book for very young readers.I think it is funny and absolutely adorable (at least I love it, seriously). Here is the link