It was silent…
Poetry by Novella Matveyeva, illustrations by Fedor, Anna, Sofia Scherbin, Inna Tolskaya, Sasha Minor, Natalia Mitrofanova, Sasha
Berdicevskis and Julia Berdicevska.
The poem is about the night silence all around the world… All that can be heard is the ticking of the clock… and the faint chirp of the tiny cricket… and the soft scratching of the mouse in the corner… and…And… AND!!!
Было тихо, очень тихо…
Стихи Новеллы Матвеевой, иллюстрации Феди, Нютика, Сони Щербиных, Инны Тольской, Наташи Митрофановой, Саши Минор, Саши и Юли Бердичевских.
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